spin matrix

英 [spɪn ˈmeɪtrɪks] 美 [spɪn ˈmeɪtrɪks]

网络  自旋矩阵; 旋量矩阵; 旋转矩阵



  1. This new method is self? consistent and internuclear distances in spin systems can be determined solely from a 2D NOESY peak intensity or mixing coefficient matrix with a single mixing time.
  2. The magnetic order of a special quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin model with numerical density matrix renormalization groups is discussed. The ground energy per unit cell, spin correlation function and the spin gap are calculated.
  3. In such a tensor form, each term of the Zeeman Hamiltonian is separated into three parts, namely the radial, the orbital and the spin parts, which are suitable for determining the matrix elements of the Zeeman Hamiltonian in the| LSJM_J 〉 representation.
  4. We have discussed the different covalence factors which bring the various influences to the crystal field, electrostatic interactions and spin-orbit ( SO) coupling matrix element.
  5. The 2N-dimension Hilbert space associated with quantum information transfer over the spin chain can be projected into an N+ 1-dimension subspace, so the Hamiltonian of the system will be reduced to a tridiagonal matrix in standard basis.
  6. In this thesis, we have developed a scheme to efficiently compute the GE per lattice site and von Neumann Entropy for quantum many body spin systems on a periodic finite-size chain in the context of a tensor network algorithm based on the matrix product state representations.